Here’s How Postaprevidenza Valore works, Poste Italiane’s Individual Pension Plan

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Let’s discover the flexible pension fund of Poste Italiane

Looking for information about Postaprevidenza Value? You’ve come to the right place!

The supply of supplementary pensions has been progressively increasing in recent years and even Poste Italiane is no less.

Within the Poste Vita Pensions branch, there is a product that allows you to benefit, at the time of retirement, from an additional amount to your public pension.

This is a value of Postaprevidenza value, an insurance policy created and designed to give an answer to all those who wish to secure a serene future when retiring.

If you want to know more read the paragraphs that follow!

What is and how does it work Post-resecurity

Postaprence value pension fund is the Individual Plan of Pension aimed at guarantee the customer an annuity and/or additional capital when he retires.

At the time of subscription, the Subscriber has the possibility to choose within three different investment profiles provided for in the plan. You also decide how much to pay monthly or annually and, if you are an employee, you can also establish to contribute to the plan by paying the sums deriving from your TFR.

But the flexibility of Postaprevidenza Value pension fund pensionedoes not end here.

Even during the accumulation phase you can:

  • Change the amount and the method of contribution over time, as provided for by the General Conditions of Contract;
  • Perform Switch operations between an investment profile and another, or reallocations within the same profile;
  • Make additional payments at the post office and online;
  • Suspend the payment of the contributions and possibly resume it later;
  • Have your individual position before retirement in the cases established by law.

Finally, at the accrual of pension requirements (with at least 5 years of contributions) you can also decide not to apply for the pension benefit by continuing to contribute to the plan in order to increase your supplementary pension.

Obviously, as in the case of all other forms of supplementary pension, Postaprevidenza Valore also offers the opportunity to enjoy a facilitated taxation. In particular:

  • Every year you can deduct from your IRPEF taxable income up to 5,164.57 euros, excluding the TFR’s share, with savings from 23% to 43% of the amount deducted;
  • The final performance at maturity is subject to a withholding tax of 15% which is reduced by 0.30% for each year of participation following the 15th year from the accession, up to the maximum reduction limit of 6%. With 35 or more years of participation, the rate therefore drops to 9%;
  • The returns accrued by the pension fund are subject to the substitute tax of 20%, more favorable compared to the 26% that applies to most forms of financial savings. On the share of the yield that comes from the possession of government bonds and similar securities, for example, the tax is set at 12.5%.

Requisition: Requirements to join

All subjects, workers and non-employees, who intend to implement a supplementary pension plan on an individual basis without any restrictions can join the individual pension plan.

In the case of employees, Postaprevidenza Valore provides the possibility to pay the TFR, making the choice with the employer.

How to join the fund

To join the pension fund Poste unfortunately you are forced to physically go to any authorized post office bringing with you a valid identity document.

How to pay contributions

Contributions of the Postaprevidenza Valore policy may be paid monthly or annually. The choice of payment method is at your sole discretion as well as the measure of the contribution.

You also have the right to suspend the contribution, without prejudice, for employees, to the obligation to pay the TFR accrued possibly conferred. The suspension does not result in the dissolution of the contract and it is possible to reactivate the contribution at any time.

What contributions are invested in

As I wrote in the first paragraph, with Postaprevidenza Valore you have the possibility to opt for three different investment profiles with different allocation of contributions paid between the Separate Pension Mail Management, which invests mainly in government bonds, and the Insurance Internal Fund Post-Lifeless Security, which offers the opportunity to seize the opportunities offered by the financial markets.

In particular, you can choose between:

  • Guaranteed profile that provides for the investment of 100% of the contributions paid in the Separate Management, with the return of a minimum guaranteed amount equal to the invested capital net of costs;
  • Guided profile that provides instead an initial allocation of the contributions paid between the Separate Management and the Insured Internal Fund in function of the years missing from the public pension, with an automatic rebalancing every 5 years in favor of the Separate Management. Specifically, if you are more than 35 years old at retirement, you will pay 30% in the Separate Management and 70% in the Inner Fund; if you lack less than 5 years you will pay 100 percent in the Separate Management;
  • Dynamic Profile that finally provides three predefined lines with a different allocation of the investment between the Separate Management and the Inner Insurance Fund. Specifically, we have line 1 which provides for 70% of the contributions invested in the Separate Management and 30% in the Inner Fund, line 2 which instead sets a 60% of contributions in the Separate Management and a 40% in the Internal Fund and finally line 3 that allocates 50% of the contributions to the Separate Management and 50% in the Internal Fund.

It is however possible to carry out switches between one profile and another, or reallocations within the same profile, after one year from the membership or from a previous switch or reallocation operation, as provided for by the General Conditions of Contract.

How Much Does Postaprevidenza Value Cost

As for the expenses related to the pension fund of Poste Italiane, it should be noted that there is no fixed cost of membership nor is any cost applied on the flows deriving from TFR and on the contributions paid by the employer, but there are still expenses at the accumulation phase of 2.5% on each payment for the first 15 years.

Finally, an annual rate withholding from the yield of the Separate Management of 1% and an annual management fee of the Insurance Internal Fund of 1% of the Fund’s Net Overall Value is provided.

What pension benefits can be obtained

Once you reach the retirement age established by law, you can redeem your individual position which consists of the sum of contributions paid up capital plus accrued investments, net of expenses and any partial and anticipated payments.

As for the type of service, you have the right to request the liquidation of your position in the form of annuity or capital; the liquidation by capital can take place, however, within the limit of 50% of the individual position accrued.

By choosing the annuity, you can finally opt for three alternative forms of disbursement:

  • Immediate ennuity calculated on the basis of the individual position accrued, net of any share of the benefit to be paid in the form of capital;
  • Reversible ennuity paid as long as you are alive and subsequently, to a total extent or per share chosen by you, to a beneficiary designated by you;
  • Ange it is reliable and subsequently vial paid for the first 5 or 10 years or, in case of death, to the beneficiaries designated by you; after the five-year period or the decade, you will be paid instead a life annuity.

How and when you can redeem your position

Rear retirement provision allows you to redeem your individual position accrued before the expiry in these cases:

  • Termination of the work activity that involves the inemployment for a period of time of not less than 12 months and not more than 48 months, or in the event of an appeal by the employer to mobility procedures, redundancy funds, ordinary or extraordinary (re-ext to exceeding 50% of the individual position accrued);
  • Permanent invalidity that involves the reduction of the working capacity to less than one third or following the cessation of work that involves the occupation for a period of time exceeding 48 months (re-tazone with up to 100% of the individual position accrued.

How and when you can transfer your position

By choosing the pension fund of Poste Italiane, you can transfer the individual position accrued to another supplementary pension form after a minimum period of two years of participation in the PIP.

How to control pip management

If you want to complain of irregularities, critical issues or anomalies concerning the pension fund Postaprevidenza Valore you can submit a complaint by sending it to Poste Vita S.p.A., Gestione Reclami Viale Beethoven, 11 00144 Rome, or by fax to the number: 0654924426 or by email to the address indicating the following data: name, surname, full address and telephone number of the exponent.

Poste Vita S.p.a. undertakes to provide feedback within 45 days of receipt of the complaint.

In the event that the answer is not provided by Poste Vita S.p.a. within 45 days of the request or the response is not considered satisfactory, it is possible to send a complaint by reporting as the main recipient COVIP – Supervisory Commission on Pension Funds – reporting irregularities, critical issues or anomalies reported to Poste Vita and for which it was not considered to obtain complete and adequate response.

Retirement value: jadnews’s opinion

Now we come to Postaprevidenza value opinions.

Surely in fact you are wondering if post-security value is convenient, or if there are better complementary forms of pensions.

From the jadnews point of view, it is certainly a valid product, which offers great flexibility and interesting investment combinations.

The only drawback is perhaps the low possibility of being able to consult your individual position by not existing an app or a special electronic account.

If you want more information on the supplementary pension provision of Poste Italiane read here.

If you want to discover some much more advantageous systems to make your savings click here.